Enjoying the Season of Life

moms iphone 804One of my goals for this year was to start writing again.  I like to write.  It is cleansing and it helps to organize all of those ingenious ideas I have floating around in there.  Oh, and it also saves my husband from having to listen to me all the time.  I did great for a few days but it’s kind of like working out.  I gain momentum, feel really great, have green smoothies and next thing I know I’m eating M&M’s for a mid morning snack and doing curls with my glass of wine in the evening.

So, here I am, writing in my shiny new blog.  My head is swimming with all the things I could write about and at the same time wondering what people want to read about.  As always, I have no set plan.  I just want to let the pieces fall into place.  My intention is to share some ideas on how to live mindfully, frugally and simply.  I like to find great deals (just ask my mom) and I would love to pass on some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way.  I am a mom to two beautifully spirited little people.  I love to foster independence and find it fascinating that my two year old can put on his own shoes and coat.

Life is full of laughter, sentences that I never thought I would say, poop, nursing, outdoor adventuring, snot, tears, fantastic food from my chef of a husband, evening snuggles, did I mention poop and nursing?  All in all I am a life lovin’ mama taking each day as it comes and reminding myself that all stages, both good and bad, will pass.  Sometimes too quickly and others not quickly enough.  My words to live by, “enjoy the season of life you are in.”

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